Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Project 2 Self Visualizaation


RoOose said...

I like how she was very straightforward with her triptych being past present and future. The first makes it seem like she's trying to depict traveling NJ, then around the world.

jaimie michelle said...

i like the perspective you used in each image especially since they all relate and it helps to connect the three images to one another. i also like how you were very straight forward and direct on the concept of visualization. good job.

Marissa Marton said...

I like how you placed the images of yourself in the pieces... I also like how the work is very straight forward portraying past, present, and future and how they all work together... Nice Job!

Ariel Capellupo said...

i like that the settings in these images are not common ones for a person to be placed in. i think that it really shows her life well and that the images are really well done.

GabriellePeterson said...

I really like how you incorporated different ideas into the project, and allowed them to work together. The different pictures of you allow the viewer to really understand the idea of the self portrait/self visualization.

ChelcSic said...

I liked the simplicity of the triptych. It had three different settings and created a very nice flow.I also liked the different angle's in the pictures that you took yourself. I felt like those pic's were taken specifically for the project not the other way around.

Kim said...

The past, present and future theme comes across nicely. They all relate to each other very well and have the same dreamlike feeling. Well done.

mazouat2 said...

i think that the images relate really well to eachother and are definately in your personal style that we've seen in your other projects. I wish i new more about you so that i knew exactly what each piece was representing it obviously has a lot of strong personal meaning i a think that is what makes the piece strong

atticus13x said...

the simplicity of this triptych was very nice, the terms past, present, and future were made very clear. they all are interconnect through the positioning of the figures of herself, and it worked together pretty well.

mal237 said...

i like the overall worldly theme in your project and how it represents past present and future. i also like the settings that you put yourself into because they don't look realistic but i like the non-realistic approach to it.